Tiffani Teachey

Tiffani Teachey is a Sr. Mechanical Engineer, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) advocate, TEDx international speaker, and international best-selling author of the children's book What Can I Be? STEM Careers from A to Z, the STEM Crew Kids Adventures series, and three transformative books on women's empowerment and entrepreneurship. She is the host of the Read It Right Radio Show on WDRBmedia and also the host of the Engineering Management Institute's (EMI) Women in Engineering Podcast. She is the founder of STEM Crew Magazine. Tiffani is the owner of Thrive Edge Publishing and the owner and publishing consultant of Inspired Authors Publishing. She helps underrepresented industry and business leaders publish children's books about their field to inspire children to choose the same path.

Tiffani holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering, as well as a Master of Science degree in Engineering Management, both from The University of North Carolina at Charlotte. She is a Leadership Studies Ph.D. student at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University.

As an engineer with over 20 years of experience, Tiffani is very interested in getting young people interested in STEM careers. She was born and raised in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, and enjoys traveling and being a youth mentor.

Speaking Topics

  • Unlock the Secret to Choosing the Right STEM Career: A to Z Tips for Success (STEM Talk)

  • How to Inspire the Next Generation of STEM Leaders: 3 Strategies to Overcome Common Barriers (STEM Talk)

  • How to Get Girls & Women into STEM (STEM Talk)

  • How to Accelerate Your Child's STEM Skills (STEM Talk)

  • How to Stop the Lack of Diversity in Children's Books through Crafting Engaging and Inspiring Stories (Author/Publishing Talk)

  • 3 Key Strategies for Building a Successful Author Platform (Author/Publishing Talk)

  • Unleashing the Resiliency Within (Empowerment)

Magazine Cover Features


  • LinkedIn Top Motivational Speaking Voice

  • Herpreneurer Magazine - Top 100 Influential Women in Business

  • UNC Charlotte Distinguished Alumni Award

  • UNC Charlotte College of Engineering Alumni Champion of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Award

  • Children’s Book Council

    Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI)

  • Mom's Choice Awards

  • Author Allstars Author of the Year

Tiffani's TEDx Talk

Video Interviews w/Tiffani Teachey

Speaker's Sheet & Speaking Topics

Headshots & Pictures for Marketing

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